The newly elected Police and Crime Commissioner for the West Midlands, Simon Foster, is calling for members of the public and organisations to let him know what their priorities are for policing in the West Midlands.
This will form part of the new Police and Crime Plan which has to be published within a year of a Police and Crime Commissioner taking office.
The PCC is calling for views and evidence on the main themes he set out in his manifesto:
Building stronger communities
- Fair funding
- Community policing
- Protecting victims of crime
- Mental health and policing
- Neighbourhood crime
- Prevent children and young people becoming victims or offenders
- The strategic policing requirement
Tackling violent crime
- Combat violence against women and girls and domestic abuse
- Honour based violence, forced marriage and female genital mutilation
- Reduce violent crime including knife crime
- Tackling drug dealing, supply and use
- Hate crime
Delivering a safe economy
- Modern slavery
- Business crime
- Fraud
- Roads policing
- Exempt accommodation and houses in multiple occupation
A more equal police service
- Equality and human rights
- Equality and diversity
- LGBT+ policing
- Criminal Justice System
- Stop and Search
- A police service representative of the communities it serves
- Supporting public events
Better policing for all
- A green police force
- Valuing the whole police team
- Multi-agency and partnership
- Police stations
- The policing service
- Social responsibility
For a more accountable police and crime commissioner
- A democratically elected police and crime commissioner
- Accountability of the Chief Constable
- Accountability, democracy and participation