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The Police and Crime Commissioner is elected every four years. Their job is to make sure West Midlands Police is run efficiently and effectively.

Elected by you, the PCC acts as your voice and holds the police force to account. PCCs ensure the police are answerable to the communities they serve. They have the power to hire and fire the Chief Constable.

PCCs do not run the police force at an operational level. However, they must ensure those who are in charge do a good job. The PCC decides what the force should be focusing on and the crimes it should prioritise. This detail is contained in the Police and Crime Plan. The PCC sets the budget and has the power to raise or lower council tax. The PCC must also bring together community safety and criminal justice partners, to make sure organisations work together to fight crime and help victims. Police and Crime Commissioners were elected for the first time in 2012. They replaced police authorities.

Every force area in England and Wales is represented by a PCC, except London, South Yorkshire and Manchester, where the responsibilities reside with the Mayor.

The West Midlands Police and Crime Commissioner’s salary is set by the Home Secretary. It is currently £100,000 per year in the West Midlands.