Simon Foster was elected as Police and Crime Commissioner for the West Midlands in May 2021 and served until May 2024. He was then re-elected as PCC in May 2024 and will serve a four-year term.
Simon commenced his career in the law 45 years ago and practiced as a legal aid solicitor for 35 years. He has worked in a community law centre and in private practice. He was a partner in a law firm for 22 years. He specialised in Housing and Public Law.
As PCC, he has extensive and wide-ranging duties and responsibilities regarding policing, crime, community safety, violence reduction, victim support services and criminal justice.
In particular, he is responsible for preparing the regional Police and Crime Plan; setting the West Midlands Police budget and policing precept; and holding the Chief Constable and WMP to account, on behalf of the people and communities of the West Midlands.
As PCC he Chairs: the West Midlands Community Safety Strategic Board; the Violence Reduction Partnership Strategic Board; the Local Criminal Justice Board; the Combatting Drugs and Alcohol Partnership and is the Senior Responsible Owner; the West Midlands Road Safety Strategic Group;
The PCC is the Association of Police Crime Commissioners national lead for Counter-Terrorism and Chairs the National Counter-Terrorism Strategic Board; and he is APCC Joint national lead for Serious Violence.