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The West Midlands Police and Crime Panel has today  unanimously  supported the budget plans for West Midlands Police.
The  unanimously  agreed plan means that the policing precept will increase by 10p a week (£5 a year) for a Band D council taxpayer in the West Midlands. The precept for a Band D council taxpayer currently stands at £106.55 and will rise to £111.55 in April. Despite the small rise people in the West Midlands will be paying over £65 less than neighbouring forces and still paying less than residents in almost every other force area.

The current Band D charge for Staffordshire Police is £177.61, for West Mercia Police is £185.90 and for Warwickshire Police is £188.23. The precept in the West Midlands remains the second lowest in the whole country.
West Midlands Police and Crime Commissioner David Jamieson said, “The government have made it clear that to maintain cash budgets at current levels precepts must be increased by the maximum amount.
“In short, the government is funding the police at a lower level and has made it clear that it expects local people to pay more. In the West Midlands that means that there will be a 10p a week (£5 a year) increase on the policing precept for a Band D council taxpayer.
“The cross party panel recognised the governments cuts and their change of emphasis. The panel also noted that West Midlands Police continues to offer excellent value for money compared to neighbouring forces, who even after this increase will all be charging over £65 more than we do for policing.”

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