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Response to the HMIC Stop and Search inspection report: “Stop and search powers 2: are the police using them effectively and fairly?”

Police and Crime Commissioner David Jamieson said,

“We have had real successes in the West Midlands. The use of stop and search has fallen by two-thirds, from over 50,000 a year down to under 20,000. As the number of stop and searches has been reduced the outcome rate has increased from less than 5% to over 20%. This shows that West Midlands Police is using stop and search more proportionally and more effectively.

“To continue to improve we have given all front line officers refresher training and have set-up ‘community stop and search scrutiny panels’ to make sure that local people can challenge how stop and search is used in their local areas.

“West Midlands Police was in the first wave of forces to map all of its stop and search data on the website using a new electronic recording system.

“All of these positive steps have meant that we have reduced the number of stop and searches, reduced racial disproportionality and increased the positive outcome rate.

“We must continue to work hard to keep the public’s trust on this sensitive issue.”

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Deputy Police and Crime Commissioner Cllr Yvonne Mosquito said,

“We’ve introduced new training for officers, set-up local oversight committees, and developed an electronic recording system that gives us accurate, up-to-date information about how, when, why and where stop and search powers are used.

“We have lead the way on this important issue. It is crucial that the public continue to have high levels of confidence in the police.

“The use of stop and search by the police is a well-known source of tension. That is why we will continue to work hard to make these powers even more transparent and ensure that they are used fairly and proportionally towards all communities.”

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