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“I cannot leave my abuser. I have got no money, no place to go, I am stuck. Sometimes I think he will kill me.” – these are the words of just one victim of domestic abuse who has completed my cost of living crisis survey.

We know that many women who experience domestic abuse also experience economic abuse.

Money and finances are often used as a tool of control so it is no surprise that when I speak to women who are victims of domestic abuse about barriers of leaving the relationship “money” comes up in nearly every conversation.

Women often tell me about the difficult choices they need to make, how they go without and how lack of money and resources prevents them from leaving abusive relationships. Financial uncertainty makes leaving, recovering and rebuilding your life after abuse even more difficult.

I’m worried the cost of living crisis will fuel this, making it even harder for women to escape and will have dire consequences for those living in the West Midlands where we have higher levels of poverty and deprivation than other parts of the country.

That is why I want to hear from as many women who are victims and survivors of domestic abuse living in the West Midlands as I can. I want to listen to their experiences and their viewpoints on what they think could be done to help.

As Victims’ Commissioner for the West Midlands I am on your side. I have never been afraid to stand up for women in our region and this will be no different.

The survey runs until August 25th.

If you are a victim of domestic abuse you can take part here.

If you are a support service, you can take part here.

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