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A statement from the Police and Crime Commissioner following the publication of Child Sexual Exploitation Problem Profiles by West Midlands Police.

Child Sexual Exploitation Problem Profiles from West Midlands Police have been published and can be found here:

West Midlands Police and Crime Commissioner David Jamieson said, “Child Sexual Exploitation is a very important issue that West Midlands Police and I take incredibly seriously.

“These reports are an account of where the force believed itself to be in respect to Child Sexual Exploitation.

“There are clearly still serious issues remaining that the police and partner agencies are working together on to tackle. At present there are different models in different areas. I believe that a more consistent approach of joint working would help. We need a concerted effort and a joined-up approach to tackle child sexual exploitation in the West Midlands.

“These reports are self-critical and highlight where West Midlands Police recognised there to be issues. Progress has been made in identifying victims and offenders, but clearly there is much more to do.

“I will be holding West Midlands Police to account to ensure that the recommendations that they themselves have identified are acted upon.

“The way to tackle ‘hidden’ crimes like Child Sexual Exploitation is to bring them out into the open. We should not be afraid to talk about difficult issues like this however uncomfortable they may be.

“As previously stated, Child Sexual Exploitation information will be published on a regular basis in future. FOIs should not be required to obtain this information. Child Sexual Exploitation is a hugely important issue that the public should hear about.”

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