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Police and Crime Commissioner, Simon Foster, has begun the search for the next Chief Constable of West Midlands Police. After six years in post, Sir David Thompson is due to stand down as planned in late 2022, after the Commonwealth Games have taken place.

The PCC is writing to police officers and others across the country holding a rank equivalent to Assistant Chief Constable or above, to invite their interest in the post. It is the responsibility of the Police and Crime Commissioner to appoint the Chief Constable, as well as setting the force’s strategy and budget.

West Midlands Police and Crime Commissioner, Simon Foster said,

“Sir David Thompson has been an excellent public servant, during very challenging times for policing. He will continue to be Chief Constable until beyond the Commonwealth Games, but now is the right time to start the search for his successor. I wish Sir David all the very best in his future endeavours, after he leaves West Midlands Police as planned, later in the year.

“Chief Constable of West Midlands Police is one of the top jobs in British policing and I am keen to attract a wide and diverse field of candidates. The next Chief Constable will be responsible for working with me, to deliver my Police and Crime Plan and my pledge to rebuild community policing.”

The Chief Constable of West Midlands Police is one of the most important jobs in British policing, heading-up the second largest force in England and Wales and serving a population of over 3 million people.  

Sir David Thompson was appointed as Chief Constable in 2016 by the former PCC David Jamieson, and his contract was extended by two years in 2020 to provide continuity of leadership until beyond the Commonwealth Games.

The PCC will be setting out a detailed timetable for the recruitment process in the coming weeks.


The letter which was sent to senior officers and their equivalents around the country:                              

Dear Sir/Madam

I am writing to you as the West Midlands Police and Crime Commissioner. During 2022, I am intending to appoint a successor to Sir David Thompson QPM DL. The role of Chief Constable for West Midlands Police is one of the most exciting and complex jobs in UK policing. It represents an exceptional opportunity for a chief officer or equivalent, who has the relevant skills, knowledge and experience that are required for the role.   

Sir David has served the Force as Deputy Chief Constable and then Chief Constable, since 2010 during a period of great change. His legacy of innovation and leadership leaves the Force well placed for the challenges in the years ahead. I will be seeking a Chief Constable who is able to match and/or develop Sir David’s local and national standing and ability, and take the Force forward to even higher levels of performance.    

On 1 November 2021, I published a new Police and Crime Plan, including ambitious commitments to rebuild community policing, prevent and reduce crime, increase public confidence, and support an amazing workforce, both via improved operational practice and new technology. The Plan sets out how I will work in partnership to improve criminal justice, support victims and witnesses, build community safety and reduce violence. The Plan confirms my commitment to the importance of policing by consent, locally, regionally and nationally, and addresses the significant resource challenges the Force still faces.  I am looking for a Chief Constable who will work with me to deliver these commitments. 

As the West Midlands Police and Crime Commissioner, I place particular emphasis on equality and diversity, partnership working, prevention and early intervention, and will be looking for an inspirational and progressive policing leader to work with me for the benefit of people and communities across the West Midlands. West Midlands Police and my Office work together, and have a deserved reputation for innovation and high performance based on a foundation of mutual respect, professionalism and a clear understanding of the separation of roles between operational independence, strategic direction and holding to account. 

Just as I am working with the Force to ensure the recruitment of new officers is open to everyone and therefore attracts the most able and talented people, so it is for the next Chief Constable. I am keen to see a broad and diverse range of candidates, and will be running an open and transparent process. A consultation on the Chief Constable role description is underway and l will appoint a broad stakeholder panel to support me. I make no assumptions and have no preconceptions as to the successful candidate. Interested potential applicants are welcome to contact my office for an informal discussion with me or colleagues.  West Midlands Police will be hosting at least one familiarisation day later in 2022. 

I expect to advertise the role in the Spring, and in the meantime if you require further information or have any questions, please contact my Chief Executive Jonathan Jardine.

We very much look forward to hearing from you.

Simon Foster

West Midlands Police and Crime Commissioner         

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