Policy/procedure title: | publication scheme |
Responsible Officer: | Chief Executive and Data Protection Officer |
Security Classification: | Public |
Disclosable under the Freedom of Information Act 2000: | Yes |
Version: | 2 |
Last Reviewed: | November 2024 |
Next Review Date: | November 2026 |
Publication Scheme
The purpose of our Publication Scheme is to let you know what information is readily available from us without you needing to ask us for it.
This publication scheme is based on the Model Scheme which was prepared and approved by the Information Commissioner. It may be adopted without modification by any public authority without further approval and will be valid until further notice.
This publication scheme commits to make information available to the public as part of our normal business activities. The information covered is included in the classes of information mentioned below, where this information is held. Additional assistance is provided to the definition of these classes in sector specific guidance manuals issued by the Information Commissioner.
The scheme commits:
- To proactively publish or otherwise make available as a matter of routine, information, including environmental information, which is held and falls within the classifications below.
- To specify the information which is held and falls within the classifications below.
- To proactively publish or otherwise make available as a matter of routine, information in line with the statements contained within this scheme.
- To produce and publish the methods by which the specific information is made routinely available so that it can be easily identified and accessed by members of the public.
- To review and update on a regular basis the information the authority makes available under this scheme.
- To produce a schedule of any fees charged for access to information which is made proactively available.
- To make this publication scheme available to the public.
- To publish any dataset held that has been requested, and any updated versions it holds, unless we are satisfied that it is not appropriate to do so; to publish the dataset, where reasonably practicable, in an electronic form that is capable of re-use; and, if any information in the dataset is a relevant copyright work and the public authority is the only owner, to make the information available for re-use under the terms of the Re-use of Public Sector Information Regulations 2015, if they apply, and otherwise under the terms of the Freedom of Information Act section 19.
The term ‘dataset’ is defined in section 11(5) of the Freedom of Information Act. The term ‘relevant copyright work’ is defined in section 19(8) of that Act.
Who we are and what we do
The PCC is elected, and holds the police force to account. PCCs ensure the police are answerable to the communities they serve. They have the power to hire and dismiss the Chief Constable.
PCCs do not run the police Force at an operational level. However, they must ensure those who are in charge do a good job. The PCC decides what the Force should be focusing on and the crimes it should prioritise. This detail is contained in the Police and Crime Plan. The PCC sets the budget and has the power to raise or lower council tax. The PCC must also bring together community safety and criminal justice partners, to make sure organisations work together to fight crime and help victims. Police and Crime Commissioners were elected for the first time in 2012. They replaced police authorities.
The Office of the Police and Crime Commissioner (OPCC) works on behalf of the PCC to help fulfil all of these duties and responsibilities.
Details of all officers and senior staff salaries within the OPCC can be found HERE
We also have a Joint Audit Committee, and further information can be found HERE
Our internal board/committee structure is set out in the Corporate Governance Framework.
The PCC has a number of key statutory functions and responsibilities that are set out in the Police Reform and Social Responsibility Act 2011 (legislation.gov.uk). In summary, these are:
- Ensuring that the views, priorities and concerns of local people, including the most vulnerable members of the community, are fully considered and inform the delivery of policing in the West Midlands.
- Publishing a Police and Crime Plan that sets out local priorities for the period that he is in office
- Agreeing the annual policing budget, which includes setting the policing precept element of the council tax in West Midlands Police
- Holding the Chief Constable to account for the delivery of local policing services in line with the Police and Crime Plan objectives
- Commissioning services locally that will contribute towards the Police and Crime Plan priorities and community safety.
- Publishing an Annual Report outlining his achievements, how he has carried out his functions, and the progress made in meeting the Police and Crime Plan objectives
- Working closely with local partnerships and agencies to prevent and tackle wider community safety and criminal justice issues
Ensuring that Police contribute to the national effort in tackling wider threats such as terrorism and serious organised crime.
Staffing Structure
Information relating to the OPCC staff team, including the office staff structure, can be found HERE
Contact Information
You can make contact with the OPCC in a number of different ways. Please check our website to find the most suitable way to get in touch.
Independent Custody Visiting (ICV) Scheme
Every Police and Crime Commissioner has a statutory duty to administer an Independent Custody Visiting (ICV) Scheme in their area to check on the welfare of individuals detained in police custody. You can find out more about our ICV scheme HERE.
Partnership Arrangements
The PCC, OPCC and West Midlands Police cannot deliver the Police and Crime Plan objectives on their own. Effective working relationships with a number of partners locally, regionally and nationally are essential to keeping the West Midlands safe.
Find out more about these arrangements by visiting the Commissioning Dashboard.
What we spend and how we spend it
Financial information relating to projected and actual income and expenditure, tendering, procurement and contracts can be found HERE.
What our priorities are and how we are doing
Strategy and performance information, plans, assessments, inspections and reviews, are all included in the Police and Crime Plan.
How we make decisions
Decisions made by the PCC are published HERE. Decisions which cannot be published because they are confidential will still be listed on the website, to ensure maximum transparency.
Our policies and procedures
Policies are published HERE.
Requests for Information, and Freedom of Information Requests
You can contact us HERE and ask for information, and we aim to respond within 28 days. Freedom of Information requests can be easily submitted on our website HERE .
The classes of information that we will not generally publish include:
- Information the disclosure of which is prevented by law, or exempt under the Freedom of Information Act, or is otherwise properly considered to be protected from disclosure.
- Information in draft form.
- Information that is no longer readily available as it is contained in files that have been placed in archive storage, or is difficult to access for similar reasons.
In exceptional circumstances some information may be available only by viewing in person. Where this manner is specified, contact details will be provided. An appointment to view the information will be arranged within a reasonable timescale.
Information will be provided in the language in which it is held or in such other language that is legally required. We will consider proving a translation service for any information we hold, if we are requested to do so.
Obligations under disability and discrimination legislation and any other legislation to provide information in other forms and formats will be adhered to when providing information in accordance with this scheme.
Charges which may be made for information published under this scheme
The purpose of this scheme is to make the maximum amount of information readily available at minimum inconvenience and cost to the public. Charges made by the authority for routinely published material will be justified and transparent and kept to a minimum.
Material which is published and accessed on a website will be provided free of charge.
Charges may be made for information subject to a charging regime specified by Parliament.
Charges may be made for actual disbursements incurred such as:
- photocopying
- postage and packaging
- the costs directly incurred as a result of viewing information
Charges may also be made for information provided under this scheme where they are legally authorised, they are in all the circumstances, including the general principles of the right of access to information held by public authorities, justified and are in accordance with a published schedule or schedules of fees which is readily available to the public.
Charges may also be made for making datasets (or parts of datasets) that are relevant copyright works available for re-use. These charges will be in accordance with the terms of the Re-use of Public Sector Information Regulations 2015, where they apply, or with regulations made under section 11B of the Freedom of Information Act, or with other statutory powers of the public authority.
If a charge is to be made, confirmation of the payment due will be given before the information is provided. Payment may be requested prior to provision of the information.
Comments or Complaints about the Publication Scheme
If you think the PCC has failed to supply information in accordance with the Scheme or if you have any comments on our Publication Scheme or feel that the Scheme could be improved, you should write in the first instance to the Chief Executive whose details are set out below.
Chief Executive
Office of the Police and Crime Commissioner
Lloyd House
Colmore Circus Queensway
B18 6BB
Telephone – 0121 626 6060
Email – wmpcc@westmidlands.police.uk
The PCC will aim to deal with your complaint within 20 working days. If you are dissatisfied with the response you can ask for the matter to be internally reviewed. Internal reviews will be completed promptly and a response given to you within 20 working days of receipt of your further request. If, after the internal review, you remain dissatisfied, then you can complain to the Information Commissioner.
Availability of this scheme in other formats
Requests for this should be directed in the first instance to the Chief Executive at the address listed above.