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It’s the most important document of my term of office, setting out my priorities, aims and ambitions for the West Midlands – finally, after months of hard work and consultation with the public and partners, my Police and Crime Plan is here.

This is the document that sets out exactly what I want to see in the West Midlands: whether that’s fewer people killed on our roads, more support for victims or extra bobbies on the beat.

It’s also the document I use to hold the Chief Constable of West Midlands Police to account, ensuring the force is delivering the services the people of the West Midlands deserve.

The plan covers my entire term of office up to 2020 and headline features include a renewed focus on young people, reducing re-offending, tackling mental ill health and supporting the West Midlands economy.

During my consultation with the public, road safety came top of people’s list of concerns so I have made sure my plan addresses that, with a commitment to see fewer people killed on the roads.

There is also a target to crackdown on the number of ‘hidden crimes’ taking place in the West Midlands. These are crimes that often take place behind closed doors, such as child abuse or domestic violence, but I am determined to bring them out of the shadows and into the light to tackle them head on.

I also want to make sure West Midlands Police is ready to take on complex threats such as cyber crime and child sexual exploitation. To help achieve this aim, I am delivering on my promise to recruit 200 specialist staff to support officers. Recruitment is also now open for 800 new police officers who will help support the aims of my plan across the board. The recruitment of 150 PCSOs will soon follow.

Every PCC in the country is required by law to have a Police and Crime Plan and mine is split into seven sections: Protecting from Harm; Supporting Victims; Building Trust and Confidence in Our Police; Strengthening Communities and Growing the Economy; Building a Modern Police Service; Standing Up For Young People; Tackling National and International Threats.

If you’d like to read the plan, click  here.

My Police and Crime Plan will result in a safer and stronger West Midlands and I would like to thank everyone who has helped shape it along the way.

Signature - Dj

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