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West Midlands Police and Crime Commissioner, David Jamieson, statement following the circulation of a video on social media relating to arrests made by WMP officers in Birmingham yesterday (30th July 2017). 

West Midlands Police and Crime Commissioner, David Jamieson, said: “I am looking at the incident very closely and I have raised it with the Chief Constable.

“Conduct matters of individual officers are the responsibility of the Chief Constable and I am assured that he is taking it very seriously.

“West Midlands Police have made great strides in increasing public confidence in stop and search powers by ensuring that they are intelligence-led.

“I am committed to ensuring that the public continues to have confidence in the way that their communities are policed. With West Midlands Police public panels have been introduced to examine searches – this has helped reduce disproportionality and increase the positive outcomes that result from searches.

“Stop and search is a necessary, but intrusive policing power. It is very important that it is used fairly.”

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