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Following the recent reports of police misconduct the West Midlands Police and Crime Commissioner, Simon Foster, has released the following statement:

“On 2 November 2022, HMICFRS published a national report on vetting, misconduct and misogyny in the police service. It found evidence of poor decision-making in police vetting; inconsistent handling of misconduct cases; and that not enough has been done to improve standards and stamp out misogyny and predatory behaviour in policing.

“All police officers, as is the case with any profession, have a duty to comply with the highest standards of conduct, ethics, integrity and professionalism. That is non-negotiable. If there are any police officers that are incapable of grasping or understanding that basic principle, then they have no place in the police service.

“Since becoming Police and Crime Commissioner, compliance with professional standards in policing has been one of my top priorities. I am holding West Midlands Police to account to ensure it complies with vetting procedures, performance manages officers and staff, and deals with complaints and misconduct. The work on our joint Fairness and Belonging plan and the Force’s programme to improve ethical standards and behaviours are all part of the action that is being taken.  

“In addition, I am committed to constant and unremitting action to hold West Midlands Police to account, to ensure that the 43 recommendations set out in the report are implemented and in particular unsuitable people are prevented from joining in the first place, any misconduct within the force is identified, and officers and staff are dismissed, if they are not fit to serve the public.

That is because, firstly, they are failing to uphold the Declaration for Office of Constable; secondly, they are a serious risk to the public and their colleagues and cannot be trusted with the powers and responsibility that comes with being a police officer; and thirdly, they are undermining the police service and the vast majority of police officers who are professional, committed and dedicated to preventing crime, protecting people in need and helping the vulnerable.”

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