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A Happy New Year to each and every one of you. I trust that you have enjoyed the festivities with your families, loved ones and friends.

The beginning of a new year is often a time of reflection and 2024 has been as busy a year as any that preceded it.

I thank each and every single one of the people who have placed their faith and trust in me, by voting to re-elect me as their Police and Crime Commissioner in May 2024. The only honour and privilege greater than being elected by your fellow citizens, is to be re-elected by your fellow citizens.

I take the duties and responsibilities vested in me very seriously indeed. I am committed to preventing and tackling crime and keeping the people and communities of the West Midlands safe and secure.

On 18 September, I was pleased to announce that West Midlands Police (WMP) was, and remains, the fastest improving force in the country having successfully secured its removal from ‘Engage’ status in under 10 months. That was a remarkable achievement. However, it is essential that the Force continues to drive continuous improvement, as we embark on another important year in the West Midlands.

WMP is achieving and delivering against the odds, because it is structurally under-funded and under-resourced. Yet despite that, total overall police recorded crime in the West Midlands has reduced by 10%, including decreases in the crime types of homicide, serious youth violence, knife crime, burglary, robbery, theft from the person and vehicle crime.

The force is now one of the best in the country when it comes to answering both 999 and 101 calls. Arrest rates have increased and more offenders are being brought to justice. In addition, both I and our Violence Reduction Partnership are continuing to invest in prevention, early intervention, diversion and addressing the underlying causes of crime, to prevent crime happening in the first place.

Looking ahead to 2025, I will be launching my new Police and Crime Plan. It will set the strategic direction for WMP between now and 2029. Having engaged in an inclusive, wide-ranging and extensive consultation across the entire region, you the people, have helped me to prepare this Plan.

We must await formal publication of the Plan in March 2025, but you can expect the following issues to be top priorities:

  • Continuing to re-build community policing
  • Preventing and tackling violence, including youth violence, knife crime and Violence Against Women and Girls
  • Reducing the number of people killed and seriously injured on our roads

I will continue my constant and unremitting campaign for fairer funding, because WMP continue to have to achieve and deliver against the odds. WMP still have around 800 fewer police officers and 500 fewer PCSOs compared to 2010. Yet, in rural areas where crime is lower, many forces now have more officers than they have ever had in their force history. That is not acceptable, it is not fair and it is not just. I will continue to fight for the return of our missing officers and for fair funding for WMP. 

I will maintain my fight for essential funding for key areas of work, including violence prevention and reduction, County Lines and victim support services.

My pledge to continue rebuilding community policing will be pursued relentlessly, because it is the foundation stone on which policing and in particular policing by consent is built in our country. This year will see the opening of new police HQs and bases for officers, staff and teams, that will make sure they remain within the communities they serve, which is exactly where they need to be.

I am also in the process of appointing a Victims’ Advocate, who will help me to ensure that the rights and welfare of victims, survivors and witnesses are always at the forefront of policing and the wider criminal justice system.

Finally, here is to a safe, secure and happy 2025. I wish you, your family and loved ones all the very best for the year ahead.

Simon Foster

Police and Crime Commissioner for the West Midlands

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