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The government has said it will clamp down on unscrupulous landlords who exploit vulnerable tenants for financial gain.

Eddie Hughes, the Housing Minister, promised to do more to combat organised criminals who provide sub-standard homes and offer virtually no support for vulnerable individuals who have been promised help under the ‘exempt housing scheme’.

Commenting on the government announcement The West Midlands Police and Crime Commissioner Simon Foster, said:

“I am very pleased that after months of campaigning, the government has finally listened to my serious concerns about the crisis faced by many vulnerable people placed in exempt housing.

“Exempt housing is supposed to offer a safe place to live and provide extra support for those that need our help most.

“In reality, vulnerable tenants have too often been abandoned and neglected as they rapidly realise that support is non-existent and they are at serious risk of becoming victims of crime and criminal exploitation.

“We need to ensure the government’s proposals are fit for purpose and will deliver the change that is desperately needed. Words are welcome, but we need action and we need it now.”

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