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West Midlands Police and Crime Commissioner Simon Foster said: “Whilst David Carrick was a Metropolitan Police Officer, his abhorrent, appalling and heinous crimes will have serious implications for every force.

“We all have a responsibility to address the adverse and damaging impact of his criminal behaviour and the consequential loss of trust and confidence in policing. There is no place in the police service for anyone that is not prepared to comply with the highest standards of conduct, ethics, integrity and professionalism.  

“The testimonies from victims were deeply moving and I trust they feel that justice has been served – albeit no sentence will ever take away the dreadful ordeal he put them through.

“This case reminds us of the bravery it takes to come forward and report abuse of power and trust. It took one very courageous woman to start the process and then further courageous women to come forward, that eventually led to Carrick being held to account and brought to justice for his relentless campaign of sexually and mentally abusing women, over a period of 17 years.”

West Midlands Victims’ Commissioner Nicky Brennan said: “Carrick has exploited his position as a police officer for 17 years.

“The damage he has done to trust and confidence in the police is immeasurable and I was absolutely heartbroken hearing the victims’ testimonies and the way he has changed their lives forever.

“They are accounts of the most horrific violence against women and girls imaginable and 30 years in jail will never undo the trauma they have been through.

“Many opportunities to catch him were missed. He was able to carry out his crimes for far too long.

“Although the sentence handed out will never undo what he did, I hope the victims will feel justice has been delivered.”

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