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The battle, in Northern France, was one of the bloodiest battles of World War One. On the first day – 1 July 1916 – over 19,000 British soldiers lost their lives and almost 40,000 were injured.

Police and Crime Commissioner David Jamieson and Assistant Police and Crime Commissioner Ashley Bertie joined an event to mark the anniversary at the CTC Kingshurst Academy today.

After the ceremony Police and Crime Commissioner David Jamieson said,

“Today is about remembering all of this involved in the Battle who faced unimaginable horror and many of whom who made the ultimate sacrifice. Far too many of the people who died were young men making it all the worse.”

Assistant Police and Crime Commissioner Ashley Bertie said,

“It is particularly poignant for me as many of those who lost their lives were my age or younger.

“We should not forget the sacrifice they made to protect the freedoms we enjoy today.”

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