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Police say #NoExcuseForAbuse as new campaign launched to prevent domestic violence

A multi-agency campaign led by the West Midlands Police and Crime Commissioner, West Midlands Police and victims’ services has been launched  to give information to the public around what services...

Domestic Violence and Abuse Professional Briefing in Response to COVID-19 talk openly A multi-agency West Midlands wide campaign will be launched promoting these methods, information resources and these will be promoted through social media, supermarkets, pharmacies and businesses still...

National Support

...4040 Useful Apps /info for victims Hollie Gazzard Trust: Free downloadable personal safety app available BrigthtSky App Free downloadable app: providing support and information for anyone experiencing domestic abuse, or...

Emergency Police and Crime Plan

...fill out the below survey on the Emergency Police and Crime Plan. Thank you for contributing this information. The feedback form will be available on the WMPCC website for 4...

Coronavirus – Victims’ Services

...a witness who needs support or information. The number is 0808 1689 111 and is free to call. Information can also be found online at Birmingham and Solihull Women’s Aid Provides...

PCC wins transparency award

...Specified Information order. Following this, CoPaCC reviewed this information to ensure that it met the criteria to receive the quality mark. Responding to the announcement that the West Midlands Police...

PCC to host Victims Summit aimed at tackling online abuse the rate of crimes that utilise information technology systems over the last two decades.  “Many forms of victimisation, including bullying and property crime, are increasingly moving online and rapidly...

Is your Business Cyber-Fit for 21st Century Threats?

...well think they don’t have data that is worth stealing. The truth is that data, such as customers’ names, addresses and contact details, is exactly the sort of information hackers...