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PCC welcomes tougher penalties for using a phone at the wheel – but calls for fines to be devolved to local police forces

West Midlands Police and Crime Commissioner David Jamieson has welcomed increased fines and points for driving while using a handheld mobile phone introduced today (March 1st 2017). The former Minister...

WMP helps evict unauthorised encampment in school grounds

...suspected the car was involved in a non-stop collision in Northfield High Street earlier that day. West Midlands Police and Crime Commissioner David Jamieson said: “It is unacceptable that children’s...

PCC funds conference on forced marriage and honour-based violence after service helps 551 people

West Midlands Police and Crime Commissioner David Jamieson funded and opened a conference on forced marriage and honour-based violence. The PCC supports the victims of these crimes via £110,000 of...

Going once! Criminals’ ill-gotten gains go under the hammer items start off very low, attracting plenty of bids and ultimately selling to the highest bidder with a 100% sale rate – the very definition of the word auction.”...

Major hate crime study to shape new and improved support services for victims

...Leicester. The project’s aims are closely aligned with the priorities set out within the Commissioner’s Police and Crime Plan which are to improve the quality of support offered to hate...

Top councillors tour Lloyd House

A high-level group of councillors and members of the Police and Crime Panel, visited the newly-refurbished West Midlands Police Headquarters with Police and Crime Commissioner David Jamieson and Chief Constable...

New Youth Intervention Workers launching in Birmingham and Solihull

...Youth Promise Plus is backed by local councils, Greater Birmingham and Solihull Local Enterprise Partnership, Transport for West Midlands, The Prince’s Trust and West Midlands Police and Crime Commissioner, who...

PCC hosts best practice summit to tackle gangs and violence

West Midlands Police and Crime Commissioner David Jamieson hosted a best practice summit examining ways to tackle gangs and violence on our streets. The event, chaired by Assistant PCC Ashley...

West Midlands Police and Crime Panel approve budget plans

...D council taxpayer) compared to the current (2016/17) highest of £220.19 in Surrey. Neighbouring forces currently (2016/17) charge the below for their policing precept on a Band D property: Staffordshire...

PCC to hold summit on unauthorised traveller encampments on Friday

...of reception) 9:45 Opening Remarks by David Jamieson, West Midlands Police and Crime Commissioner 9:55 Local Authorities Legal Environment by Anne Brereton, Director of Place at Solihull Metropolitan Borough Council...

Home Secretary singles out West Midlands Police’s ‘pioneering’ recruitment

...people coming from ethnic minority backgrounds. We want our force to reflect that and it is vital that communities know that we have a strong commitment to equality and diversity.”...

West Midlands PCC and Assistants support National Sexual Abuse and Sexual Violence Awareness Week 2017

...Assistant West Midlands Police and Crime Commissioner Councillor Judy Foster said: “Sexual abuse and violence are often hidden crimes lurking behind closed doors. “But the only way to tackle these...

Sisters are doing IT for themselves

...and Crime Commissioner for this funding and would encourage other community groups to make the most of the Active Citizens Fund.” West Midlands Police and Crime Commissioner David Jamieson said:...

West Midlands Police and Crime Commissioner attends launch of WMCA Mental Health Commission action plan

...Commissioner David Jamieson attended the launch of Thrive West Midlands – the West Midlands Combined Authority’s (WMCA) Mental Health Commission action plan. The Commissioner has invested £250,000 into the commission...

West Midlands Police and Crime Commissioner responds to Chris Grayling’s ‘cyclists are not road users’ comment

...Midlands Police’s ‘ close pass‘ scheme. At Transport Questions in the House of Commons, Labour MP for Cambridge Daniel Zeichner asked Chris Grayling about a remark he had given in...