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PCC to host annual Business Summit that business can do to not only support local communities but also boost their business and profits. The PCC recognises the key role that business has to play in...

Crime falls on the region’s public transport

...more than 80% of perpetrators ceased their behaviour following early civil interventions, and 97% of those completing the Restorative Justice programme have stopped offending on the public transport network completely....

PCC recognised for serious violence prevention Police and Crime Commissioner, David Jamieson, is a community-led response to an increase in gang-related crime within Birmingham during 2015/2016. The role of the Commission was to respond to...

PCC urges organisations to apply for Victims Fund 2020

...locally within communities, to respond to the needs of victims of crime. The competitive fund, commissioned by the Police and Crime Commissioner seeks to improve outcomes for victims of crime...

Adventure sports keeping young people away from violence

...high crime areas of the West Midlands. The sessions will include mentoring aimed at reducing violent behaviour and developing confidence and communication skills. It is just one of a range...

Arcadian Centre ‘Safe Space’ funded for three more months

...anti-social behaviour. Now, LCP, the commercial property and investment company that owns and manages the centre, has now agreed to fund the initiative for a further three months after West...

Commissioner funds project to reduce cyber-theft

The West Midlands Police and Crime Commissioner has funded a Wolverhampton based project to help small businesses tackle cyber-crime. The Wolverhampton Business Crime Reduction Group has been given £21,000 by...

West Midlands Police host training event for cops carrying life-saving drug treatment

...working in Birmingham city centre where rough sleeping and street drug use is highest. Take up so far has been high with 51 officers trained to date and the force...

West Midlands Violence Reduction Unit launches

...sector agencies with communities to understand the problem and what causes it, and to put into practice what works to enable individuals and communities to thrive, and to stop violence...

PCC launches helpline to tackle forced marriage

The West Midlands Police and Crime Commissioner is has today (1st October) launched a 24 hour helpline to support victims of Forced Marriage and Honour Based Abuse. David Jamieson has provided...

West Midlands PCC Bans the Box on job applications to access new talent

...50% and the West Midlands Police and Crime Commissioner is leading the way in offering people a chance to turn their lives around while helping to keep communities safer. At...

PCC opens Project EDWARD event in Birmingham

The West Midlands Police and Crime Commissioner, David Jamieson is opening the Project EDWARD (European Day Without A Road Death) event in Birmingham. Project EDWARD takes place on 26th September...

West Midlands and Staffordshire PCCs urge the government to ensure that forces aren’t out of pocket for firearms medical checks

The West Midlands Police and Crime Commissioner, David Jamieson, and Staffordshire Police, Fire and Rescue and Crime Commissioner Matthew Ellis, have called on the government to ensure that all costs...

Bleed Control Kits rolled out across the West Midlands

...will have proved a resounding success.” Lynne Baird from The Daniel Baird Foundation added: “I would like to pass on my thanks to the Police and Crime Commissioner, Community Safety...