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PCC welcomes HS2 announcement

In response to today’s announcement that HS2 will go ahead, the West Midlands Police and Crime Commissioner, David Jamieson said: “I welcome today’s announcement that HS2 will be going ahead....

Is your Business Cyber-Fit for 21st Century Threats?

...of your business, I would urge you to come along and pick up easy to implement advice.’ Places are free but limited so early booking is advised.  Book Here:

Victim Summit 2020

...The Summit will bring together services I have commissioned regionally and locally as a result of recommendations made by the Victims Commission. The Commission has played an integral role assisting...
04 February 2020
View Victim Summit 2020

Police budget unanimously passed

The Police and Crime Commissioner’s 2020/21 budget for West Midlands Police has unanimously passed by the West Midlands Police and Crime Panel. The Commissioner is responsible for setting the budget...

PCC calls on Home Secretary to take urgent action to reduce the number of young people becoming involved in county lines activity.

The West Midlands Police and Crime Commissioner David Jamieson is calling on the Home Secretary, Priti Patel to take urgent action to reduce the number of young people becoming involved in...

1,400 responses of Concern, anger and frustration with West Midlands Trains

...into argument, with shoving and pushing common place. It’s frustrating, hot, crowded, irate people, lack of comms from train company, angry train staff, impacts social life. Passengers are frequently stressed...

West Midlands Deputy PCC addresses Manchester night-time drugs conference

West Midlands Deputy Police and Crime Commissioner, Ashley Bertie, was in Manchester to address delegates attending the Night-time Economy Conference. Here, he gave examples about how the eight recommendations, published...

Violence Reduction measures rolled out in Coventry violence hot spot

...the Police and Crime Commissioner’s Violence Reduction Unit. This is aimed at reassuring the local community. The West Midlands Deputy Police and Crime Commissioner, Ashley Bertie said: “I’m delighted we...

PCC has agreed to loan ยฃ100,000 to organisations who promise to reduce crime

The West Midlands Police and Crime Commissioner has become the first PCC to invest in a social enterprise investment fund to address poverty and inequality, which are shown to reduce...

New Boxing Equipment on way to support local youngsters

Without doubt, O’Dells Boxing Club run by Tina and Craige O’Dell in Bromford, Birmingham, is the perfect example of a local community champion in action. Having been in operation for...

PCC responds to latest crime statistics

...commeneded by the indepedenent inspectorate. We are cutting down on bureaucracy and giving officers the technology to do their job on the move, so they don’t have to come back...

PCC responds to annual government funding settlement

The government have today announced the funding settlement for police force in 2020/21. Following initial analysis of the annual police funding announcement West Midlands Police and Crime Commissioner, David Jamieson,...

PCC announces date for public hearing into rail chaos

...and West Midlands Police and Crime Commissioner David Jamieson, together with the Leader of Birmingham City Council and the Transport spokesperson for the West Midlands Combined Authority, Councillor Ian Ward....