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West Midlands Police fully implement Best Use of Stop and Search Scheme

...force and plans to publish much more detailed information about its use of stop and search. “The Best Use of Stop and Search Scheme builds on this good work, particularly...

A look back at the first two years

...Commissioners carry out their duties on a voluntary basis. Services for Victims In April 2015, the PCC will launch West Midlands Victim Services, providing support and information to all victims...

Commissioner supports Force anti-shoplifting campaign

...campaign posters and postcards will be distributed to stores across the region and people encouraged to share whatever information they have on the shoplifting − a crime which accounts for...

Tackling child sexual exploitation in the West Midlands

...front line agencies and Asian communities have little understanding about Asian victims of sexual exploitation.  We have therefore produced an information booklet and a video highlighting a real life case...

Celebrating our Black History

...Members of the community are invited to come along and take part in the event. For more information, the public can contact BAPA by calling 101 or by emailing [email protected]...

Seeking volunteers to spend time behind bars

...information about custody visiting is available at : /your-commissioner/custody-visiting Between 1st April 2014 and 1st September 2014 our independent community representatives have: • Made 231 unannounced visits to the ten...

Multi-cultural celebration of Black History Month

...more information, please contact BAPA on 101 ext 7864 6527 or Caroline Schubert on 0121 626 5442. Entry is free, but to give us an idea of how many people...

First joint M5 policing operation sees almost 300 drivers brought to book them that we will act on the information we receive from the public and we will take whatever action necessary to disrupt their activities. “We also hope it raises...

Motorway officers support European seatbelt campaign

...wearing a seatbelt and More information relating to the day to day work of CMPG can be found on the group’s new Twitter feed, just search for @CMPG....

Statement of thanks to election staff

...and, these days, tweet and post online, making sure that hundreds of thousands of people got information about the candidates.  We acknowledge the effort made by party supporters from across...

Best use of stop and search scheme

...with further information on the outcome of searches. From today, West Midlands Police will: – increase transparency by recording all outcomes of stop and search and whether there is a...