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Commissioner comments on police inspection report” that allows a searched person to easily access information on police powers and how to give feedback via a web address and QR code.  DCC Rolfe added: “We’ve noted...

PCC backs Safer Internet Day 2016

...a business to groomers trying to lure in a child. To tackle these hidden crimes we must bring them out into the light.” More information on Safer Internet Day can be found here:

PCC visits NABIS hub to see the technology fighting gun crime

...ballistic material has been recovered. NABIS then shares the forensic analysis information to create a national picture that links the criminal use of firearms across the country. That works helps...

West Midlands Police is leading the way in the fight against hidden crime

...association with Public Health England. The scheme sees an officer working alongside health officials to improve joint working. For more information on Sentinel including how to seek help, visit:

PCC launches new funding to help victims gain restorative justice

...fosters better community relations and changes the way neighbours interact with each other. This is a great example of the added value that housing associations can bring.” Further information on...

Deputy PCC calls for collaborative approach to help victims of Forced Marriage and Honour Based Violence

...Police & Crime Commissioner took on responsibility for the new Victims’ Service which provides support and information for all victims. Victims, particularly those of hidden crimes such as forced marriage,...

Audit of Accounts – Notice of Public Rights

...of the Police and Crime Commissioner are also available to view on the Police and Crime Commissioner’s website at the following address: /transparency/budgetary-and-financial-information/statements-of-accounts/statement-of-accounts-2014-15/ The accounts of the Chief Constable are...

Police and Crime Commissioner responds to Theresa May's comments on diversity – 'to make a real impact we need to recruit more officers'

Commenting on Theresa May’s comments on diversity Police and Crime Commissioner David Jamieson said, “We welcome the publication of diversity information to show how representative of their local communities police...

West Midlands rated as outstanding in HMIC Police efficiency report that will allow them to access information while en route to emergencies or at crime scenes. HMIC highlighted that, as part of the new preventative approach, West Midlands Police...

Assistant Police and Crime Commissioner promotes National Hate Crime Awareness week

...the initiative we’re running events in cafés, colleges, churches and more,” added Ch Supt Johnson. For more information on hate crime including safety tips and an online reporting form visit:

PCC Helps Launch "Get Safe Online" Event

...was delighted to see children from Our Lady and St. Rose of Lima making the most of the day.” For more information from WMP on internet safety please visit: ...

48 cases of domestic violence crime every day in the West Midlands as new standards are signed-up to for a co-ordinated response

...and strengthen their safety strategies. •           We will seek to gain informed consent from victims where possible when there is an intention to share information. •           We will respect confidentiality...

Over 400 knives are binned following community campaign

...yielded so many weapons is testimony to the hard work of local people in spreading the message that there’s no place for knife crime on our streets.” Further information on...

Public scrutiny improves use of stop and search

...year. The electronic recording system (known as eSearch) gives accurate, up-to-date information about how, when, why and where stop and search powers are used − a vital tool in scrutinising...

West Midlands Police and Crime Commissioner invites community to volunteer as Custody Visitors to safeguard both detainees and police

...custody environment”.   If you would like to find out more about how you can play your part and find our application form, please see the information page on our...