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The West Midlands Police and Crime Commissioner has installed a new Weapon Surrender Bin in Far Gosford Street in Coventry.

The move by Simon Foster is designed to give people a chance to hand in any weapons that they feel could endanger others.

The bins are specially designed to be safe and secure. They are also regularly emptied so the knives and other sharp objects can be removed and crushed.

In the past knuckledusters, machetes and even sawn-off shotguns have been discovered in the bins as police in the region work around the clock to prevent and tackle violent crime.

In March more than 800 weapons were recovered from the regions Weapon Surrender Bins.

Since 2012 knife crime has more than doubled in our region and gun crime has jumped by a third.

It’s a problem that is being felt across the country with similar rises reported in other large cities.

There are now 20 PCC run Weapon Surrender bins in the region and a full list can be found here.

The West Midlands Police and Crime Commissioner, Simon Foster, said: “I’m pleased to have been able to install another new knife bin in Coventry.

“We are emptying hundreds of knives and other weapons from these bins every year and I believe every dangerous weapon taken off our streets is potentially a life saved or a serious injury avoided.

“We will continue to install new knife bins across the region in areas where the data suggests they are most needed.”

Cllr Abdul Salam Khan, Deputy Leader and Cabinet Member for Policing said: “As a Council we are committed to doing what we can to ensure that our streets are safe for our residents.

“That’s why we welcome the installation of this new weapon surrender bin on Far Gosford Street and I’d like to thank both the Police and Crime Commissioner’s office and West Midland’s Police for working with us to get it installed.

“I hope that by having this bin available we will encourage individuals to surrender their weapons. Every weapon that is disposed of in this bin is potentially a life saved. So, if you or someone you know has a knife or any weapon, I strongly recommend that you take advantage of this new bin and dispose of it safely.”

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