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Fraud costs the UK economy £193billion a year. Two thirds of fraud cases are against businesses. Over 80% of Fraud is cyber enabled.

The West Midlands Police and Crime Commissioner (PCC), the Federation of Small Businesses (FSB) and West Midlands Police want to help you protect your business against cybercrime.  Protecting businesses from cyber threats is vital to ensuring economic growth across the region. That is why we are inviting you, as a business, to attend our Cyber Bootcamp to ensure your business is Cyber-fit!  The event will run on the 24th of March in central Birmingham from 9.30 a.m. to 1.30 p.m., culminating in a short networking lunch.

Business owners and employees will be taught about the various ways that organisations are likely to be hit by cyber threats in and during this interactive, intensive day event. Delegates who attend the day will then be given the resources to go back into their organisations and teach their share with colleagues how to guard against cyber attacks. This is because when it comes to cyber threats businesses are as vulnerable as their weakest link.

Assistant Police and Crime Commissioner Waheed Saleem said, “Cyber crime is one of the biggest threats to UK business with just over 60% of UK manufactures suggesting they had been victims of cyber attacks in 2019. In recent years the NHS and even charities have been victims of cyber crime. The people who indulge in this fraudulent and criminal activity have no boundaries.

I therefore welcome this bootcamp as an ideal opportunity for local businesses to come together to discuss experiences, to become fully informed about the danger of cyber fraud, and the measures which can be taken to prevent such threats.”

Karen Woolley, FSB Development Manager, said:

‘We are delighted to be partnering with the West Midlands PCC and West Midlands Police on this all important event which will equip delegates with the necessary tools to help them prevent against becoming a victim of a cybercrime attack.  FSB research shows that despite the vast majority of small firms (93%) taking steps to try to protect their business from digital threats, two thirds (66%) have been a victim of cybercrime.  Attacks like this, first and foremost, cost small businesses money. Cyber breaches cost the average small business £25,700 while government stats show that the annual cost to business of cybercrime is £21bn a year.  Clearly, a cybercrime attack on a small firm can have a far reaching and damaging effect on operations.  Attacks can force businesses to suspend operations while the problem is fixed.  No business is immune from a potential attack – for a self-employed gardener or someone running their own hair salon, they may well think they don’t have data that is worth stealing. The truth is that data, such as customers’ names, addresses and contact details, is exactly the sort of information hackers are chasing.  Whatever the size of your business, I would urge you to come along and pick up easy to implement advice.’

Places are free but limited so early booking is advised.  Book Here:

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