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The Police and Crime Commissioner is responsible for holding West Midlands Police to account. The PCC has executive powers to make certain decisions. In this section you can find records of all the formal decisions made by the West Midlands Police and Crime Commissioner.

Decisions are required to be published as soon as practicable after they have been taken.

PCC Decision 013-2019 Fuel cards and associated services

PCC Decision 013-2019 is a commercially confidential decision relating to fuel cards and associated services
12 April 2019

PCC Decision 009-2019 Victims Services

PCC Decision 009-2019 relates to Victims Services
11 April 2019

PCC Decision 010-2019 Proposed amendment to the Estates Programmes – Ladywood and Edgbaston

PCC Decision 010-2019 is a commercially confidential decision relating to the Estates Programme
07 April 2019

PCC Decision 011-2019 Treasury Management Strategy 2018-19

This report sets out the PCC's Treasury Strategy Statement for 2019/20 and updates on debt management activity and investment activity... Read more

PCC Decision 008-2019 Fees and Charges 2019-20

This report is to approve the force's fees and chargeable rates for 2019/20.
02 April 2019

PCC Decision 007-2019 Renewal of Licences and Support

PCC Decision 007-2019 is a commercially confidential decision relating to the Renewal of Licences and Support
08 March 2019

PCC Decision 006-2019 External Grants 2019-20

PCC Decision 006-2019 relates to External Grants 2019-20  

PCC Decision 005-2019 Lease of Office Space and Car Parking

PCC Decision 005-2019 is a confidential decision in relation to the Lease of Office Space and Car Parking
13 February 2019

PCC Decision 002-2019 Pension Forfeiture

PCC Decision 002-2019 relates to a Pension Forfeiture