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The Police and Crime Commissioner is responsible for holding West Midlands Police to account. The PCC has executive powers to make certain decisions. In this section you can find records of all the formal decisions made by the West Midlands Police and Crime Commissioner.

Decisions are required to be published as soon as practicable after they have been taken.

PCC Decision 009-2020 Scheme of Delegations

PCC Decision 009-2020 is a non-confidential decision relating to the scheme of delegations.

PCC Decision 008-2020 Revenue Budget

PCC Decision 008-2020 is a non-confidential decision relating to the revenue budget.

PCC Decision 007-2020 Connect Programme

PCC Decision 007-2020 is a confidential decision relating to the Connect Programme.
23 January 2020

PCC Decision 005-2020 Telephony Network Support

PCC Decision 005-2020 is a confidential decision
23 January 2020

PCC Decision 004-2020 Provision of Driver Retraining Schemes

PCC Decision 004-2020 is a confidential decision relating to the Provision of National Driver Offender Retraining Schemes.
23 January 2020

PCC Decision 003-2020 Maintenance of Data Network Equipment

PCC Decision 003-2020 is a confidential decision relating to Maintenance of Data Network Equipment
23 January 2020

PCC Decision 002-2020 Lease of property

PCC Decision 002-2020 is a confidential decision relating to estates.
23 January 2020

PCC Decision 001-2020 Disposal of items from WMP Museum

PCC Decision 001-2020 is a non-confidential decision relating to disposal of items from WMP Museum
23 January 2020

PCC Decision 036-2019- Office Policies

PCC Decision 036-2019- Is a non-confidential decision relating to office Policies
03 December 2019

PCC Decision 037-2019 – Acquisition of the Eastern Custody site

PCC Decision 037-2019 – is a confidential decision relating to the acquisition of the Eastern Custody site
22 November 2019