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Last year West Midlands Police spent £90 million buying goods and services from external companies. Everything from police cars to specialist forensic services were bought by the force.

To ensure that the contracts are value for money and the process is fair the PCC ensures there are effective procedures in place.

There is a legal requirement for the Police and Crime Commissioner and the Chief Constable to publish information on what they spend, how they select suppliers and details of the contracts in place.

Below you will find details of the policies and procedures adhered to by the PCC and West Midlands Police. You will also find out how to submit a tender to provide goods and services. .

Procurement Strategy

This strategy sets out the overall arrangements for procurement for the PCC and the Chief Constable. It details the PCC’s ambitions in the police and crime plan and how the procurement aspects are delivered.

Financial Regulations and Contract Standing Orders

Financial regulations are essentially the rules and procedures the force and the PCC’s office have to follow in relation to procurement.  Value for money is achieved as a result of all staff ordering goods and services that comply with the PCC’s Financial Regulations and Contract Standing Orders. The force also has a robust annual financial strategy which helps to deliver value for money. Additionally, on an annual basis, the PCC and Chief Constable’s external auditors are required under Section 5 of the Audit Commission Act 1998 to satisfy themselves that proper arrangements are in place for securing economy, efficiency, and effectiveness in the PCC and Chief Constable’s use of resources.

Financial Regulations and Contract Standing Orders

Approval of The Scheme of Consents and Delegations, Financial Regulations and Contract Standing Orders.

Commissioning Strategy 2021 – 25