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Police and Crime Commissioner David Jamieson has launched an emergency update to his Police and Crime Plan to support West Midlands Police through the coronavirus outbreak.

The plan sets out the key actions the PCC expects the Chief Constable to deliver, as well as tasks the PCC’s office will be undertaking. It builds upon the Police and Crime Plan launched in 2016 and will last until May 2021.

New priorities in the plan are:

  • Protection for key services during the crisis, such as health and retail. Those intimidating or targeting health or retail staff should be dealt with robustly.
  • A pro-active approach to tackling domestic abuse, as cases are expected to rise whilst people are expected to stay at home.
  • The PCC will ensure any victim of domestic abuse in the West Midlands has access to the support they need.
  • West Midlands Police should continue its pragmatic approach to stay at home measures to maintain the current public support.
  • A renewed focus on online child grooming to deal with rises in cases as more children are using the internet during the crisis.
  • Continue to ensure that officers and staff have the personal protective equipment (PPE) they require.
  • Expand the package of support (including counselling) that is available to officers and staff, during and after the coronavirus crisis, especially for those that will have to be involvement in the handling of the deceased.
  • Expand the use of Specials during the crisis, to maintain the resilience of the force. Work with government to allow the force to pay Specials who are not able to work in their main job.
  • Work with government to ensure that there is flexibility in funding to support West Midlands Police and the array of support services for victims that the PCC funds.

Read the Emergency Police and Crime Plan here.

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Thank you for contributing this information. The feedback form will be available on the WMPCC website for 4 weeks. If you wish to contact this office about the priorities within the chapter on COVID-19 please email [email protected] and quote the ref: PCP COVID-19.