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The Police and Crime Commissioner is responsible for holding West Midlands Police to account. The PCC has executive powers to make certain decisions. In this section you can find records of all the formal decisions made by the West Midlands Police and Crime Commissioner.

Decisions are required to be published as soon as practicable after they have been taken.

PCC Decision 014-2017 Victims Services

PCC Decision 014-2017 is a decision relating to Victims Services

PCC Decision 013-2017 Fees and charges 2017/18

WMPCC 013-2017 is a decision relating to fees and charges
13 March 2017

WMPCC 012-2017 Reservists Policy

WMPCC 012-2017 is a decision on the Reservists policy
03 March 2017

WMPCC 011-2017 Decision on PPE suits

A confidential decision on PPE suits
03 March 2017

WMPCC 009-2017 car parking police building

A confidential decision on car parking at police buildings 
03 March 2017

PCC Decision 007-2017 Provision of Financial Assistance – Home Office Circular 43-2001

PCC Decision 007-2017  is a confidential decision relating to the Provision of Financial Assistance - Home Office Circular 43-2001
16 February 2017

WMPCC 005 2017 Victims Services

WMPCC 005 2017 is a decision to approve funding for Victims Services

WMPCC 006 2017 2017-18 Rev budget and Precept and Capital budget

WMPCC 006 2017 is a decision regarding the 2017-18 Revenue Budget and Precept and Capital Budget
13 February 2017

WMPCC 003 2017 Amendment to Scheme of Delegations

WMPCC 003-2017 is a decision in regards to an Amendment to Scheme of Delegations