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West Midlands Police and Crime Commissioner’s statement on cuts to Counter-Terrorism funding.  

Responding to the confirmation from Britain’s most senior police officer, Sara Thornton, that Counter-Terrorism funding will be cut by 7.2% by 2020, the West Midlands Police and Crime Commissioner, David Jamieson, said: “I’m very concerned. These figures suggest nationally we could lose around 1,000 Counter-Terror police officers in just 3 years. In the West Midlands it could mean we lose nearly 1 in 10 of our 700 Counter-Terror officers.

Counter Terror Pic

“The government is failing in its duty to give the police the funding they need to protect the public.

“Britain’s most senior officer, Sara Thornton has confirmed Counter-Terror funding for the police will fall by 7.2% by 2020 – something Theresa May denied when asked at Prime Minister’s questions in June.

“That doesn’t tell the whole story though. Neighbourhood policing has been cut to the bone and with it crucial streams of intelligence have been lost. It is only with the confidence of our communities that we can police and manage the growing threats we face.

“When the terrorism threat level was raised to critical recently, the truth is neighbourhood policing stopped across the country. There is not the capacity in policing to allow officers to respond to the terror threat, guard crowded places and provide neighbourhood policing at the same time.

“In the West Midlands it costs us £100,000 a day whilst at the critical terror threat level and for some days after. Officers doing longer shifts then need to be rested, meaning the return to normal neighbourhood policing duties can take up to a week.

“The Chancellor of the Exchequer’s budget in November gives the government the chance to do the right thing and give police forces the funding they need to keep us all safe.

“Real terms increases in funding are required to enable police forces to carry on their crucial work, to tackle ever more complicated crimes and threats and ensure neighbourhood policing is provided for our communities.
Editor’s notes
Hansard of PMQ when the Prime Minister denied a 7.2% cut in the counter terror budget Q6 Ian Austin MP

The Counter Terror budget is £707 million, the government’s projected cuts of 7.2% equate to £50.904 million, or 1,018 police officers (based on accepted total costs of £50,000 per officer).

NPCC Chair, Sara Thornton confirming 7.2% cuts to counter terror policing budget – based on government projections

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