Section 60 authorised in Lozells, for the same geography as the previous evening, during which a further stabbing occurred. This s60 is following a series of offences involving up to 11 males who have been entering local stores and threatening the shopkeepers with knives (involving one victim being stabbed) and a number of street robberies (where three victims have been stabbed). The s60 was active from 1400 hrs on 8th March 2018 to 0200 hrs on 9th March 2018 and officers were deployed into that area accordingly.
- 2 x searches relating to males with machetes outside Select and Save, Lozells Rd.
- 1 x further stop check
- 1 x Cannabis caution
- 1 x Arrest s.5 POA following interaction for S.60
See below map for s60 area.