Time/Date 7 August 6pm – 3am 8 August
Area, Ladywood, Perry Barr, Handsworth
Authorising officer ACC Jayne Meir
Reason for authority
Following a recent increase in firearms discharges and violent incidents there is a potential that violence may occur across the areas shown in the map. In addition there has been a recent increase in unlicensed music events which are likely to take place this evening.
The weather is expected to be extremely hot over the weekend so it is very likely that parties and unlicensed music events will occur. Based on previous events these may attract individuals with weapons. This authority is sought to enhance the tactical options available to officers to disrupt and prevent violent acts taking place.
It is believed that a S60 authority is necessary to prevent further serious violence through pro-active pre-emptive police activity within the areas defined within the application. Police resources have been specifically allocated to patrol these areas to provide reassurance and to utilise these powers should appropriate circumstances arise.