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The West Midlands Police and Crime Commissioner, David Jamieson, said: “I welcome this report by the government’s Chief Inspector of Constabulary.

“He is right to state that policing is ‘straining under significant pressure’ and has ‘weakened resources’ at a time of ‘growing complex and high-risk demand’.

“Since 2010 West Midlands Police has faced cuts of £175 million and lost more than 2,000 officers, despite proving, over a number of years, to be an efficient force.

“I particularly welcome Sir Tom’s call for a multi-year funding settlement. Our force is in desperate need for a long term funding solution.

“West Midlands Police has led the way in developing and rolling out new technology to help police officers enforce the rule of law. Body worn video, state-of-the-art tasers, hand held mobile devices and artificial intelligence are all being adopted and pioneered by the force.

“The Chief Inspector also questions the current 43 force structure. Whilst other forces might benefit from working in partnership more often, West Midlands Police already works collaboratively with neighbouring forces on roads policing, serious crime and terrorism.

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