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The Police and Crime Commissioner is looking to support bids into the government’s Youth Endowment Fund which opened last month.

David Jamieson is offering his support and services to assist potential bidders seeking to support interventions which will steer young people away from becoming serious offenders.

The Youth Endowment Fund, which was announced last year by the Home Secretary, is a £200m pot of money which will be spent over the next 10 years to support programmes which help children get away from a life of violence.

The PCC is calling on those, in the West Midlands, who are interested in submitting an application to the fund to get in touch with him with the details of their proposal so that he can offer his support through endorsement or other through services such as bid writing assistance.

The West Midlands Police and Crime Commissioner, David Jamieson said: “Making interventions to prevent young people becoming involved in serious criminality as early in their lives as possible is vital.

“This fund gives some longer term commitment of funding into making these interventions and make a real difference the lives of thousands of young people.

“I’d encourage any organisation who is looking to make a bid into this fund to get in touch with me to see if there is any assistance my office and I can help with to ensure that we make the most of this funding.

“I am particularly interested in hearing from those who are taking a public health approach to reducing crime, working those across sectors to tackle violence.

“I also want to hear from those who are looking at tackling a range of issues in a joined up manner such as mental health, substance misuse and domestic violence.”

Those wishing to get in touch with the PCC in relation bidding into the Youth Endowment Fund should email [email protected] with a one page outline of their project. 

The information included in the outline document should be:

  • The basis for their application
  • The basis for their application
  • What they hope to achieve
  • How their project seeks to reduce crime
  • What gaps will the project fill?
  • Where the project will operate
  • How the long term sustainability of the project is achieved
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