West Midlands Police and Crime Commissioner David Jamieson has responded to the Timpson Review on school exclusions.
The PCC is also a former Head Teacher, who had been campaigning against the practice of off-rolling that he believes is linked to rising violent crime amongst young people.
Responding to the report, David Jamieson said:
“As a former teacher I understand how disruptive some pupils can be and how difficult a job teachers have. The overwhelming majority work tirelessly with pupils to ensure their behaviour is maintained.
“However, after years of cuts in schools, I also know that the job is becoming increasingly difficult.
“I am concerned that there is a growing number of excluded young people who have little to no educational provision and we are seeing those children end-up in gangs and committing crimes as a result.
“I held a summit in March which bought together 180 education professionals alongside many youth organisations. They too raised these same concerns around the impact of rising exclusions and the practice of off-rolling is having on young people and crime.
“This report has useful recommendations, especially around Ofsted giving schools that off-roll an “inadequate” rating for leadership and management in all but exceptional cases.
“I am pleased that after campaigning on this issue for some time the government seems to be listening and I am pleased that the recommendations from this report echo what I have been saying over the past 18 months. Indeed, I raised this issue directly with the Secretary of State for Education at the Prime Minister’s Youth Violence Summit at 10 Downing Street earlier this year.
“The publication of this report was delayed, the government needs to ensure that the implementation of the recommendations are not delayed either.”
The PCC added: “In extreme circumstances I still believe ring-fenced fines should be placed upon the worst offending schools. The fines should follow off-rolled pupils into alternative education provision.
“The most important thing is that the government get on with the implementation of this report and focus on ending the practice of off-rolling.”
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