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Time,  Date and Duration of Authority to Search
2pm 9 July 2024
Area covered by Authority  (Please attach any relevant maps)
                                          Bloxwich, Walsall map attached                        
Details of Authorising Officer
ACC Mattison
Reason for Authority (Brief Summary for Publication)
We want to thank the local community for their support as we continue to investigate the murder of a man in Blakenall, Bloxwich yesterday afternoon (8 July).   We were called to Well Lane at around 5pm after a van is believed to have been shot at, injuring one passenger and killing another.   We began our investigation and three teenagers were quickly arrested. Two boys aged 17 and an 18-year-old remain in police custody this evening.   We also have specialist officers working with the family of the man who died and our thoughts remain firmly with them as our investigation into his death continues.   Our focus over the coming days is to ensure that we keep everyone safe and we will continue to use extra powers to do this. The extra powers, a section 60 dispersal order, allows us to disperse and search people without the need to have reasonable grounds.   The Section 60 will be in force until 2pm on 10 July and will be regularly reviewed throughout the week.   We’ve also brought in extra resources over the next few days to help us police the area.   Chief Superintendent Phil Dolby, the policing commander for Walsall, said: “I understand that last night’s incident has left the community shocked and worried.   “I want to reach out to you to let you know that we really understand. That the quick actions of detectives and officers meant that we swiftly arrested three suspects.   “My officers have been visiting local schools today to reassure the young people in the area and I’m working with local partners including your local councillors and local community voices. Together we will make sure that we are in the right places at the right times to make sure that you feel safe.   “Detectives are working around the clock and will leave no stone unturned to find out why this has happened and to make sure that anyone involved is arrested.   “Over the coming days you will see more police around, but this is not the end of our work in the area and I would like to thank those people in the community who have come forward already.   “We know that there is lots of speculation online and we will keep you informed as much as we can over the next few days.   “Keep talking to us and we will make sure we listen to your concerns and act on any credible information.   “My thoughts also remain firmly with the family who have lost their loved one in such tragic circumstances.”   Anyone with information that could help our investigation is urged to call us on 101 or you can speak to us online through our Live Chat function on our website.   If you want to leave information anonymously you can also contact Crimestoppers the independent charity on 0800 555 111.