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Time,  Date and Duration of Authority to Search
18:00 on 31/05/24 to 06:00 on 01/06/24  
Area covered by Authority  (Please attach any relevant maps) Credit; Google Maps  
Details of Authorising Officer
Assistant Chief Constable: Matt Welsted
Reason for Authority (Brief Summary for Publication)
#POWERS | We’ll be using Section 60 powers in the #Willenhall #Blakenall #Bloxwich areas until 6am tomorrow (1 June). It follows recent disorder and allows us to stop and search people without the need to have reasonable grounds. As always our main focus is to keep everyone safe. If you have any information on knife crime, contact us on Live Chat on our website. In an emergency dial 999.    
Details of OIC (for contact or enquiries)
Chief Inspector Sam Jones Walsall Police

After the Authorised Period

Number of Stop/Searches Carried Out Under the Authority
Outcomes of those Stop/Searches