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There is no excuse for abuse. Victims of domestic abuse are being urged not to suffer in silence over the Christmas and New Year period – with support out there to help.

West Midlands Police and Crime Commissioner, Simon Foster said that while many of us are enjoying family time over the festive period, the brutal reality is that Christmas is one of the hardest times of the year for countless people who are victims of abuse.

With partners at home, pressures around finances and alcohol, the festive period can be an even tougher time for people who are living with their abuser.

The PCC said he would urge any woman who can, to come forward and seek help from the police, but understands that isn’t always easy, because victims are often in very challenging and difficult circumstances.

Therefore, he has launched his own website, which is full of advice and resources.

West Midlands Police and Crime Commissioner Simon Foster said: “There is no excuse for abuse. No-one should have to suffer in silence. I would urge anyone who is the victim of domestic abuse to report it to the police – so that they can offer you the help and support you need to ensure the abuse stops.

“However, I completely understand that victims are often in very challenging and difficult circumstances and I want them to know my website has the help, support and resources that could be useful.

“It has a quick exit button and will also not show up on your browser history.

“Christmas can be an incredibly difficult period for many – but I am committed to preventing, tackling and reducing violence against women and girls and domestic abuse. It is essential that victims are aware of the help, support and resources that are available, so that they can access the right service, in the right place and at the right time.”

There are many different types of abuse. It can be emotional, physical, sexual or financial. It can be inflicted by anyone. It can take place anywhere, in person or online. It can be words, actions, or both.

Whatever the abuse is, it is time for it to stop and all of us have a part to play in ending it. The website talks about abuse towards women and girls, as they are at disproportionate risk, but the support offered is available to all victims across the West Midlands.

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