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Action is being taken to ensure that the principles of diversity, inclusion, anti-racism, fairness and equality are always a top priority for West Midlands Police.

The Fairness and Belonging Strategy exists to ensure that these principles are applied in practice, whether in relation to the people it serves or the officers and staff that work within it.

We recognise that communication and engagement with the people and communities of the West Midlands is essential, if the Strategy is to remain relevant, up to date and achieve its objectives. That is why we are intending to launch a region wide consultation, with the aim of hearing from people about what further action they think is required.   

West Midlands Police and Crime Commissioner Simon Foster said: “We will engage with, listen to and work with the people and communities of the West Midlands to understand what further challenge and change is required, in order to build trust and confidence in our police service.

“This will be led by Assistant Police and Crime Commissioner Tom McNeil who is keen to engage, challenge and find solutions. A well-informed community is much more likely to have increased trust and confidence in the police and to be supportive of measures and initiatives that seek to reduce crime and anti-social behaviour.”

The fairness and belonging strategy was launched in July 2020, with the intention of putting in place an overarching plan to ensure that the principles of diversity, inclusion, anti-racism, fairness and equality are always a top priority for West Midlands Police, whether in relation to the people it serves or the officers and staff that work within it.

The consultation strategy will be underpinned by continued partnership work with West Midlands Police, identifying areas for targeted engagement. A range of consultation methods will include face to face meetings, workshops, an online information and feedback site on the PCC website to ensure written contributions can be made, focus groups and other ways that are to be identified.

In December 2021, the Office of the Police and Crime Commissioner received the Karl George Race Code accreditation. This accreditation is significant because it evidences the work that we have been doing to create transformational, sustainable and lasting change.

Progress towards achieving the objectives of the Fairness and Belonging Strategy will be monitored within the delivery plan for the Police and Crime Plan for the West Midlands 2021-2025.

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