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Funding for victims of crime transfers to Police and Crime Commissioners (Commissioners) on the 1 October 2014 along with responsibility for commissioning locally most of the emotional and practical support services for victims of crime that are provided by the voluntary and community sector. These services help victims to cope with and recover from the impacts of crime.

CRASAC is the only specialist sexual violence agency within Coventry. It was established over 33 years ago and provides multiple services to victims of sexual violence, many of whom are repeat victims and all are vulnerable and intimidated victims People living in Coventry are more likely to the victims of rape and sexual assault than people living in the rest of the West Midlands and the UK as a whole, (Stay Focused, Public Health Coventry, 2011) and it is estimated that over 38,000 adults and 100,000 children living in Coventry have been victims of sexual violence.

In 2013-14, CRASAC supported 5,780 victims/survivors thoughout all its services.
The projects outlined in Appnedix A support victims of the serious crime of rape and sexual violence, and clients are some of the most vulnerable and intimidated victims of crime. Many are victims of repeat victimisation and sexual violence, with 60% of clients suffering child sexual abuse, 45% have experienced multiple sexual violence attacks, 20% are under 18, over 40% have formally diagnosed mental health issues and 42% report having a disability(physical/learning/mental).


  • wmpcc-027-2014-victims-services