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The West Midlands Police and Crime Commissioner, Simon Foster said: “One of my earliest memories is England winning the World Cup in 1966. I’ve waited 55 years to see England in another international final.

“The team, led by Gareth Southgate, has been exceptional on and off the pitch. To reach the final of the Euros was a remarkable achievement. It was a testament to their courage, determination and resilience.

“The racism and hate that has been directed towards our black England players has been an absolute disgrace. I stand in solidarity with the entire England team and in particular with those black players that have been subjected to racism and hate. I trust that those responsible will be held to account via the criminal justice system.

“We need a government that is prepared to demonstrate that same courage, determination and resilience shown by our England team when it comes to doing what it takes to tackle racism and hate in football and wider society.

“When it comes to social media platforms, we need a regulatory regime that is fit for purpose and criminal sanctions for those who run social media platforms, but have not been prepared to do what it takes to tackle racism and hate.”

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