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In response to Dame Carol Black’s Review of Drugs, the West Midlands Police and Crime Commissioner, Simon Foster said:

“We found in the West Midlands that drugs are costing public services £1.4bn each year.

“Nationally the cost is closer to £20bn. It means that taxpayers are paying more, they’re having to put up with more crime and people are dying who shouldn’t be.

“That’s why Dame Carol Black’s reviews of drugs is really welcome.

“Some of the key recommendation are:

“Rolling out police diversion schemes to get people into treatment instead of the revolving door of the criminal justice system as we are already doing here in the West Midlands.

“A five year funding plan for more support for drug treatment.

“And crucially, a central drugs unit to work across government to drive forward the changes we need.

“It’s now for government to play their part and deliver on these excellent recommendations.”

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