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The Office of the West Midlands Police and Crime Commissioner (OPCC) has received an award for its high levels of transparency.

It has been awarded by Comparing Police and Crime Commissioners (CoPaCC), the independent body that monitors policing governance.

The West Midlands OPCC has won the Open and Transparency Quality Mark for the 9th time, having won the award every year since it  was founded in 2013.

To win this award the Office of the PCC was scored and measured against its statutory duties to comply with the Specified Information Order. Winning this award means that the OPCC has a high level of transparency in making information available to the public.

This includes a whole range of information including, financial data, details about the office and its staff, Freedom of Information and the assessment of the gender pay gap. As  well as a full audit carried out by the awarding body CoPaCC, the OPCC sent a submission detailing how it met all of the information required by the Specified Information order.

Responding to the announcement the Chief Executive of the Office of the West Midlands Police and Crime Commissioner Jonathan Jardine said: “This award is testament to our commitment to ensure that we are an open and transparent organisation which ensures the public can access information about policing and the OPCC.

“It demonstrates our high level of transparency and I am very pleased that we have received this award again.

“I am pleased that the West Midlands OPCC has been recognised with this Quality Mark every year it has been up for grabs.”

Grant Thornton, the leading police assurance provider, sponsors CoPaCC’s Open and Transparent Quality Mark analysis and the associated awards. Paul Grady, Head of Police for Grant Thornton, commented that: “Transparency is an essential part of the democratic process.

“For the public to be able to gauge how successful their PCC is in delivering their electoral mandate, they need access to information that is accessible, easy to understand and fit for purpose. Grant Thornton is proud to once again be supporting these Transparency Awards and we congratulate all those who have been successful in meeting the standards required.”

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