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The West Midlands Police and Crime Commissioner has been recognised for its transparency and received an award.

CoPaCC – the independent body that monitors police governance – presented the office with an OPCC Transparency Quality Mark, meaning it hits a high standard in having accessible information for the public.

The West Midlands office of the PCC was one of 25 nationwide to pick up the quality mark.

CoPaCC first reviewed PCCs’ ability to meet their statutory transparency responsibilities in 2013.


West Midlands Chief Executive Jonathan Jardine said: “It’s an honour to receive this award and be recognised for all our hard work in delivering high standards in public life.

“As the public expects, we work to make sure our information is available and accessible.

“It is vital that the public has access to the information we handle in the office and it’s great to pick up this award.

“Every year since 2013 – when this award was founded – I am proud that we have been recognised for our transparency by CoPACC.”

CoPaCC’s CEO Bernard Rix said:  “These OPCCs have all demonstrated that they are transparent in what they do, meeting relevant legal requirements. They present key information in an accessible format on their websites and I congratulate them all on their good work. I look forward to what I trust will be continued excellent work by each and every one of them in this area.”

Paul Grady, Head of Police for Grant Thornton who hosted the event, commented at the presentations that:  “Transparency is an essential part of the democratic process. For the public to be able gauge how successful their PCC is in delivering their electoral mandate, they need access to information that is accessible, easy to understand and fit for purpose. Grant Thornton is proud to once again be hosting these Transparency Awards and we congratulate all those who have been successful in meeting the standards required.”

Pictured are Paul Grady from Grant Thorton, West Midlands Police and Crime Commissioner Chief Executive, Jonathan Jardine and Bernard Rix from CoPaCC.

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