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The Deputy Police and Crime Commissioner, Waheed Saleem, has today, 15 October, published a report reviewing the services provided by the criminal justice system to victims of crime in the West Midlands.

The report, which took first hand evidence from victims, has brought to light a number of ways in which the current services could be improved to ensure that victims of crime feel empowered to come forward, report crimes and get the right support they need. The review also looked at the response victims received from the police.

The review focuses on victims who have been subject to some of the most serious crimes which are more likely to have a long lasting impact on the victim. These include: Stalking and Harassment, Domestic Abuse, Sexual Assault and Abuse. It particularly examines the service provided by West Midlands Police and other criminal justice agencies.

The Deputy PCC had spent the previous year visiting victims’ services and speaking with support workers as well as victims which led to the review being conducted. He now says that with the initial findings, services should make adjustments to ensure that the needs of all victims are being met.

Deputy Police and Crime Commissioner, Waheed Saleem said: “One of the key roles of the police is making sure that victims are heard, helped and empowered. This review sought to find assess what services provided by the criminal justice system in the region were working well and those that could make some improvements to provide that better support to the most vulnerable victims.

“What was clear from going out and speaking to our providers, as well as victims, was that there is so much work being done to ensure that people get the help they need when they are a victim of crime but there is always more to do.

“All victims should feel able to come forward in the knowing that they will be heard and supported. What I want to see from this review is an even better service to all victims of crime and I am confident that with the evidence we have gathered we will be able to deliver that.”

The West Midlands Police and Crime Commissioner has responsibility for funding victims’ services with an annual grant from the Ministry of Justice of over £3 million which includes services for general victim support, road traffic case workers, modern slavery, human trafficking, domestic abuse and more.

You can read the review here.

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