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Organised crime, cyber security, opportunities for young people and the multi-million pound police budget – West Midlands Police and Crime Commissioner David Jamieson has revealed the topics for his annual Business Summit.
This year’s event will take place at Lloyd House in Birmingham on January 18 from 6pm, with the entire business community invited to attend.
West Midlands Police and Crime Commissioner David Jamieson said: “This year, myself and my Assistant PCC Ashley Bertie will be talking about our work with young people and why their ambition and potential is so important to the future of our economy. We really want to see businesses reach out to support our youngsters and offer mentoring, training and employment.
“West Midlands Police will also be delivering a speech about the links between business crime and organised crime. This will prove to be an interesting and, indeed, vital, presentation for anyone who may be touched by this sort of crime.
“I hope to see as many businesspeople there as possible and would urge you all to sign up now and make the most of this evening of information, discussion and feedback.”
The Commissioner also made a special request for community-spirited employers to sign up: those businesses who are interested in giving back by taking on apprentices and young people or by offering mentoring or training.
Other items on the agenda include a discussion about the development of borough-wide business-crime partnerships led by the first one of its kind, Wolverhampton.
West Midlands Police and Crime Commissioner Chief Financial Officer Mark Kenyon will also be making a presentation about the police budget, council tax precept and funding, as well as answering questions from delegates.
The headline figures from the region’s second annual cyber crime survey will also be revealed at the summit. People can respond to the survey  here .

Sign up to the Commissioner’s Business Summit  here.

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