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West Midlands Police and Crime Commissioner David Jamieson is holding a summit on February 10 to try and tackle the issues surrounding unauthorised travellers encampments.

The PCC will be bringing together local councils, the police, concerned residents and traveller groups to work on a solution to unauthorised encampments. The PCC has also invited neighbouring shire councils to work on a regional approach so unauthorised camps do not simply move around the region.

The summit will look at the issues the West Midlands is facing, what is working and what is not and if additional powers are needed for local agencies.

The Police and Crime Commissioner’s move follows years of frustration from all concerned at the lack of a workable solution. To support the summit, the PCC is also asking people to share their experiences in a consultation process.

West Midlands Police and Crime Commissioner David Jamieson said: “Effectively dealing with unauthorised traveller encampments is a really important issue that requires us all to work together.

“I have organised this summit in response to calls from the public and to produce practical recommendations that will make a difference.

“I hope that best practice from across the region will be adopted and that proposals for extra powers from the government emerge.”

The summit will be a public meeting at Lloyd House in Birmingham that will also be webcast live.

Unauthorised encampments consultation

If unauthorised encampments have been present in your area in the recent past, please briefly share your experiences.

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