0300 303 1977
West Midlands Forced Marriage 24hr helpline
0800 953 9777
Dudley single point of contact (SPOC)
01384 455 411
Text or WhatsApp 07384 466 181
The SPOC is a single point of contact for Dudley victims of domestic and sexual violence and abuse, including Forced Marriage and ‘Honour’ Based Abuse.
The number gives those who need help a direct line to a range of support services offered by specialist providers including refuge accommodation or additional home security.
The number is also be open to victim’s families and professionals and helps people get to the right service as easily as possible as and when support is needed.
The single point of access works in line with Safelives Standards and West Midlands Domestic Violence and Abuse Standards
Dudley Council Housing
0300 555 2345 or email [email protected]
Adult Social Care
0300 555 0055
Children’s Social Care
0300 555 0050
Out of hours (adults & children) 0300 555 8574