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West Midlands Police has been judged ‘outstanding’ in the latest report by Her Majesty’s Inspector of Constabulary (HMIC). 

The annual report – released today (Thursday 3 November) – examines all 43 forces across England and Wales in how they use their resources now and how they plan to do so in the future to fight all types of crime and protect communities. 

We were assessed as outstanding in the so-called “PEEL” report for the efficiency with which people are kept safe and crime is reduced. The HMIC said the force has a detailed understanding of current demand; is working well to identify hidden crimes, and is making progress in evaluating future demand. 

The force manages its resources well to meet current demand, the HMIC added. 

The HMIC report revealed that West Midlands was one of only two forces assessed as outstanding.

Both forces were told they demonstrated ‘a sophisticated level of planning which incorporated an analysis of future demand, including proactively looking for those areas of crime which tend to be under-reported, such as cyber crime.’ 

The report praises the way the force manages resources to meet demand, by prioritising early intervention and prevention, along with partner agencies, and matching resources and budget to these priorities in a variety of effective ways It also acknowledges the force’s ‘comprehensive and ambitious change 2020 programme’. 

The report also highlights the force’s understanding of the changing demographic in the region by using academic research and public perception, and how it has managed the impact of changing public expectations. An example of this is the different routes by which the public can access services, such as through the planned new website. 

Police and Crime Commissioner David Jamieson added: “This independent report recognises that West Midlands Police has done an outstanding job in the face of disproportionate cuts. 

“Our funding and potential further cuts in the Autumn Statement and from changes to the funding formula remain our biggest single challenge. This independent report recognises the huge efficiencies already made and our credible plans for the future.

“Without the efficiencies and tough decisions taken I would not have been able to announce the recruitment of 800 police officers, 200 specialist staff and 150 PCSOs.”

Deputy Chief Constable Louisa Rolfe said: “We are delighted that we have been assessed as outstanding and that the hard work of our officers and staff has been recognised, as we continue to strive for improvement through WMP 2020, our ambitious force modernisation programme. 

“HMIC has made it clear that the force understands the need to match our service to the needs of the people we serve.” 

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