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West Midlands Police and Crime Commissioner David Jamieson has issued a strong message ahead of ‘international day of Zero Tolerance to FGM.’

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West Midlands Police and Crime Commissioner David Jamieson said:

“FGM is a horrible, nasty practice that has no place in modern Britain.

“FGM causes very serious health risks to the women affected, including severe blood loss and infection. Women who have suffered FGM are far more likely to die in childbirth or have a still born child. The psychological trauma from FGM can last with women for a life time.

“Let me be clear it is: illegal to practice FGM in the UK and illegal to take British nationals or permanent residents of the UK abroad for FGM whether it is lawful in that country or not.

“West Midlands Police and I take this abuse very seriously and making sure that more women have the confidence to come forward is a top priority. As well supporting victims of this horrible crime we will focus on education and prevention.

“People should be in no doubt how seriously we take FGM and that together we will bring the perpetrators of these horrible crimes to justice.

“As well as training officers in how best to help with this horrible crime, supporting the victims of FGM is a top priority of the Victims Commission I have recently set-up.”

Anyone with any information: about children believed to be at risk of FGM, about children believed to have been subject to FGM, about people believed to be carrying out FGM, is urged to contact West Midlands Police on 101, or alternatively call Crimestoppers anonymously on 0800 555 111.

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